Yesterday we
celebrated our first Family Day. As
Michael and I mulled over how we were going to celebrate and acknowledge this
day, we knew for us, that Gotcha Day just did not work. For us, it just did not
feel like the right word for our family. For us, it meant more than just
“getting” our girl, but it was really the day that we became a family.
We had also
decided that there would be no gifts. It is not her birthday, and so we really
did not want to treat it as such. Because the day was about becoming a family,
we wanted to spend the day as a family, we also knew that evening we wanted to
meet up with Cathy, who had shared the day with us in China. So we did just
So reflections on
the past year…….
For one year I
have been a mom. In this past year, I have celebrated every first holiday with
my girl, I have watched her grow 5 inches and gain 14lbs. I have gone from
essentially having a baby to almost a kindergartener. (big pill to swallow)
She has a joyful
personality (most of the timeJ) that lights up a
room. She is growing a very compassionate heart as she learns about feelings
and her heart. Her love for Jesus is growing. She has a desire for everyone to
do everything together. She loves to be outside and be in water. Singing,
music, dance bring her the greatest joy.
I am humbled as
her mama that this year has gone as it has. Our transition, while it has not
been perfect, but it has been fairly smooth. (granted that by no means, we are
taking for granted that we are out of the woods yet). But mostly in part, our
year has been smooth. We have gotten over some great great hurdles, and are
thankful for that.
But with that also
came a deep struggle especially when we first got home. It was several months
before I began to feel like she was my child. Yes legally she was my daughter,
but in the beginning, she didn’t feel like it. I was more wondering when this
sweet house guest was going to leave. It wasn’t until the bond started to form,
that the initial feeling began to go away. When I really began to feel like her
This year has
brought me much joy, lessons learned, and a sweet girl that I am madly in love