
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Chair

When we began this process, Michael and I both agreed that we were not going to put any kid/baby furniture into the room until we got our referral. We did not want to sit for months and months staring at furniture for a little one that is not here. It would be too heart breaking for me. (but of course when we get our referral, game on)

So instead currently, that room is actually holding someone else’s furniture in an attempt to help some friends out. But this past weekend we were gifted with a rocking chair. Not just any rocking chair, but a glider with all kinds of cushy padding. And so as we drove home with this unexpected blessing I wondered what we were going to do with it. Where would it go until early next year (with fingers crossed).

I sat the chair against the wall this week, and contemplated the significance of it. (We had been joking this weekend with our friends about them being able to come and visit it:)) In this chair, three very special boys were rocked, fed and read to. I love you’s were shared in abundance , prayers were prayed and probably even answered. Songs were sung, you get the picture. This chair is so filled with love, joy, peace, and memories.

And so, we will begin to use this chair for our own memories. It currently sits in our bedroom. I will blog from this chair, pray for her, journal to her and so on. And once we have a notion of who she is, then it will make its pilgrimage to her room.

It is so odd, I was thinking and dreaming, would I even have an opportunity to rock my child, is that something she would be too old for or would want? I guess God answered that prayer in his own way with providing us a rocking chair. Yes there will be a little one to rock, just keep going.

Love, Jennifer

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's so great, you two are awesome!

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