
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Great Paper Chase

Papers a key to adoption. 

There are so many papers that need to be filled out and sought after. Our home study required well over 20 forms filled out, a biography written, septic tank inspection, cat papers and so on.

Our Dossier Packet- This packet is key to an adoption. It is something that you work, work and work for. It is the packet that gets sent to China, allows us to be approved to adopt and allows us to ultimately get our little girl home. This packet is nuts to put together (And I am being nice about my words). It is about 25 pieces of papers including, birth certificates, financial documents, police records, 911 call records, declaration statement, immigration papers, home study, passport copies and so on. All of the documents have to be notarized, certified and then apostle by the Chinese Consulate. Then and only then can they be sent off to China. (Feel free to ask Michael about the hardest document that we had to get which was his birth certificate. What an adventure that was, Honey Boo Boo and all)

We have been working since August to put this packet together. All but one of the 25 items are coming from Georgia. And because of that, they had to go through the county probate court in which they were issued, the state office and then the Chinese consulate in Houston. The other item, my birth certificate came from New York, which means it needs to go through the New York Chinese consulate.

Documents going to the consulate have to be walked in. They will not accept a fed ex package. Because of some gracious friends in Houston, I flew to Houston last night and they took me to the Chinese consulate this morning.

I have always heard stories of the Chinese Consulate. How interesting it could be. So I walked in, with my heavy stack of papers, copied, passports in hand and walked up to the window with bated breath. I knew for sure that it would not be my only trip to the window and man I was right. 6 trips later, 18 unneeded applications for authentication, 6 copies of pages with just a page number my packet was in their hands and a receipt was given. With a date for next Monday pick up. And that was it. Graciously, our friends have offered to go back and pick up the documents for us after thanksgiving and send them to us. I can’t explain how huge this step is. These are the documents that will allow us to meet our little girl. These are the last steps before we spend months waiting to find out who she is. This is it! (Until the next round of paperwork is due).

I need to give a shout out to our friends Justin and Jill. They are friends from my college days that graciously put up with me last night, took me this morning, shared their home, car and family all in the name of our adoption. And even returning to the Chinese consulate to pick up the documents when they are ready.  I joked with Justin today and told him he is now part of the village that is bringing home our daughter. He laughed but it is true. Without their generosity we would be a little bit farther behind in the process. And to boot, they have two cute kids.
Can't figure out how to turn Michael !!! But this is after his birth certificate:)

So there you have it, Michael and I will head to NY in the next two weeks or so to have my birth certificate done (There has been some delays up there due to the Hurricane) and our packet will be off. Which means we get to enter the third trimester of our paper pregnancy.  I think nesting has begun. I have the desire to clean and organize all the time. How productive I will be once the paper chase is completed.
Please be praying for paper to have a snafu free time at the consulate.

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