
Friday, December 21, 2012

A Couple of milestones......

The past couple of weeks have marked a couple of huge milestones for us. We sent off our packet of papers to the adoption agency. This packet has been in process since last June. Many hands have touched it, many dollars were spent to create it, many miles were driven in the process and even a plane trip. We find it amusing that the Fed Ex folks now know Michael and why he is in there office.  Our Dossier is what gets sent to China for us to get our little girl.

Then yesterday, we got an email from the adoption agency that our dossier was on its way to China. And so the waiting begins. We are waiting to hear that we got a Log In Date or LID. Once we have a LID we are eligible for a match. They search will begin for our baby.

It is an odd thought to think about the fact that people, humans are seeking out our child. They are seeking the one that God has chosen to be in our family. Seeking the next Bowden. We expect and have been told that more than likely we will not have a match until April or May. Partly due to the time it takes to get the LID and the look for the match. It is also financial reasons.

The ox of papers in her room. 
We praise our Father for the fact that we had our first big payment in the bank. That came from people who donated to our adoption, things that we have been selling, and the mere fact that we are saving every single penny we can. We do not go out very much any more, the more we look the more we are finding ways to cut our budget at home and by HIS grace we had it in the bank. Our next payment is huge, double of what we just paid and within four months of that we need to be able to travel. Please be in prayer in regards to this. We are applying for scholarships like crazy, saving everything we can and in the spring we will be having a fun event to help raise money for the adoption.

Our hearts long to get her home. The Christmas season has been a bit hard for this Mama. I put up our stockings this year with the thought that  (Hopefully) next year we will have one more to add. It is hard when you know your child is out there and not here.

As you prepare to spend Christmas, we hope and pray that it is one that is filled with Love, Joy and Peace from the King. We are excited to be spending Jesus’ birthday in sunny South Florida this year. It will probably be the last year that we travel for Christmas for a couple of years.

Merry Merry,


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