
Saturday, August 31, 2013

What is your Ebenezer?

According to the Hebrew definition of Ebenezer is “stone of help”. I have been learning that I have many Ebenezer’s in my life. It is mention in the bible a couple of times for the most part in 1st Samuel.

I have had a lot of Ebenezers coming my way lately. Through people donating to our adoption. Shortly before Michael broke his leg, we figured that we were within $4,000 of being fully funded (we think) for the adoption. A strong showing on the provision of God.

There have been many that have been “stones of help” as we walk through this time where Michael is not operating at 100% there have been so many at various times that have cooked for us, checked on us, transported Michael, Dr’s appointments and so on. They have been our “stones of help”.

In the past couple of weeks, The Holy Spirit was a “stone of help”, although the Holy Spirit is has always been a stone of help.

We received a referral. She was a sweet two year old little girl with a heart murmur. We read through the files, that were almost two years old. The pictures, medical reports, everything that we got was two years old. The only update that we had was a heart scan, that had not been translated into English. God provided us assistance in that, and it turns out that everything looked like it was pointing in the normal direction, and yet the answer from God was a No. It was heard, we took almost the entire 72 hours to call the adoption agency. It was a really hard no. Why were we having to say no was clear to us in some ways and not clear in others. Why would God present a child to us at this time, full well knowing what the outcome would be.

And so, the day came, a Thursday I texted Michael to let him know that I was going to call the adoption agency. Michael had made a statement, “I just wish that we could get a medical update with something to make this a bit easier.” And just then, I got a call that there was updated pictures in my email along with a video. God is good and his timing is perfect. It was clear in the video that something was wrong. She had severe brain damage potentially from a heart attack, we are not to sure. Which took a load off my shoulders in regards to calling the adoption agency, and yet it did not.

This little gal just like the couple before, was fearfully and wonderfully made in HIS image. She deserved a family just as much as any child. But we were not her family. And so we continue to wait, pray and learn from each and every step of this journey.

We got word that our immigration status will expire in January. So we are currently working through the steps to update it. We have to have an update to our homestudy, medical exams, forms, forms, forms to fill out in the next couple of weeks. Finances we were hoping that we would not have to lay out, but rejoicing in the fact that we have it in the bank.

Please be praying for this process!


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