
Friday, August 9, 2013

The Unexpected

Life has been a bit interesting lately. Nothing really new on the adoption front. Praise the Lord China has opened up again and are slowly releasing kids. I know that we are not the only ones that are anxious about God bringing our baby girl home. So we wait with baited breath.

Sometimes it is hard in at a specific moment, to see what God’s plans are. I had such a desire to be traveling this fall. In fact this desire was so strong, I have friends who are also adopting from China. There process is really different (being they are already in China) but they will be getting there little boy in September or October, far sooner than we have. Which was a bit hard to accept. While I am ecstatic for their family to be completed, that was the time that I had wanted to go! 

But God knew what he was doing. We went on a family vacation to celebrate my dad’s 60th birthday. We had a great weekend on the beach with my parents, my sister and her family along with a two cousin, aunt and Mr. Bill. But God knew what he was doing… On the last day of vacation, Michael was trying out a new sport on the beach, fell and broke his ankle. We were in the ER, got home and a week later he had surgery that required a plate and 6 pins to be put in. For the next 6 weeks he will be in a cast and then 4-6 in a boot plus lots of physical therapy. So, if you were to look at a calendar, that would have put us right in the timeline of going to China. Which means that I would have been going alone, or at least with a friend to get our daughter. God knew what he was doing. He knew that Michael was going to break and that we would be going through this season. For the next 2-3 months, I will need to manage a lot in this house. The outside and in because there is a lot that Michael cannot do with his leg. 

We also found out right before we left that I need surgery as well. Which has been put off until Michael is in the boot. Needless to say that it has been an overwhelming season for us.
Complete with a family glow stick party

But, there have been nuggets of goodness that have come. I look forward to sitting down and writing about what the Lord is doing. He is faithful and moving forward.

Much love,

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