
Sunday, November 3, 2013

The day we said YES!

 Dear Sweet One,
 While it is still fresh in my mind I thought I would pen to you the day that we said Yes!
We were sitting in the Dr. that has been fixing your dad’s broken leg. We were really hoping for news that he would be able to walk again. And we got a call, from Ms. Mary, who has been searching for you for almost 10 months now. She was sending us a Sweet Little girl to consider. I have to be honest…. My heart sank. My heart was so drained for the 5 no’s that we gave, I did not know if I could bear another. We had decided after the last one that we were not really going to tell many if we got a referral mainly because it was just to hard to explain the no. And it is not that the children before were not good enough, it was just that God said no, which made us say no.
There we sat, and the email popped up. I was very hesitant at first to open it, but I did and before I did anything else I laid my eyes on your sweet face, and in an instant I knew. I knew you were it. We poured over your medical report, research quickly what they said your disability was. And then we got to watch two videos of you. My heart was jumping, your dad had a little glisten in his eye. We sent your file off to the pediatrician. I texted a very small amount of people to say PRAY. Our 72 hour decision window began.
We went and spoke with the Dr. about your dad’s leg, He got cleared to walk. We were ecstatic. As we sat there, and asked questions to the Dr., I decided to ask some questions about you and she confirmed what we were thinking, your disability was minor and treatable.
We left the Dr’s office and headed home. The thoughts of you filled our hearts. I spoke with the pediatrician that night and he to confirmed what we had thought and read. I kept hearing this whole time a voice saying trust me.
That is when the fear gripped me. The human side of my heart took over and wrestled with the very depths of my soul. There were so many things that we have not worked out that still needed to be discussed for what happens when we got a referral and said yes. There were other things in my heart that were not settled at all. Your dad and I decided to take the night and pray, coming back together the next evening. And that is what we did. We prayed, I wrestled, processed with some wisdom filled people. That evening when we got home late in the evening we sent off the “intent to adopt”. A seven page paragraph document with what our plans were for you once you come home. We said YES at 9:30pm on October 29th.
We are very excited for you to get home. You see, we have been praying for you since June of 2011. We signed our papers to begin the adoption on June 18, 2011. You were born on September of that year and 8 days later your birth mom released you to come into our family. I am sure at the time she did not know that you would be coming here, but God knew. HE knew that you were to be in our family. We have prayed for two years for you, prayed for your care takers, prayed for your birth momma.
Your name, will be Hosanna. As I looked back in my journal, that was the name I knew would be yours shortly after we began this process. It means Praise, Joy, Adoration. Perfectly suited for your sweet smile. You are in an orphanage in a province that I have visited a couple of times. Actually you are just a very short train ride from some very good friends of mine.
I wish we could post your picture online, but alas we cannot until you are ours officially. We expect that to take place sometime in March or April. There is much paperwork to be done, much to be done at home to get ready for you. We are going to have a party in about a month to “reveal” your picture to everyone and celebrate just what God has been doing.  But I will say, what struck us first and foremost, was how much you look like your cousin and her first picture that was received from her orphanage in Russia. Even she remarked that you both looked alike.
So for now, I pray. I pray for your “Aunties” that are charged with your care. I pray that you are getting everything that you need. I pray that you can feel we are coming. I pray that you can sense a Heavenly Father that loves you more than you will ever be able to comprehend. My prayer is that your relationship with Him will grow strong. So in the days when you might struggle with why your story was written the way it was, you never have a void. Because HE will be the only one that can fill that void.  
Ephesians 1:4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.
You have a family far beyond what you can comprehend and they are so excited to celebrate you. It is going to be an exciting 6 months around here.
So for now, dear Hosanna, you are loved far beyond what you will know until we get you in our arms.
Your Mom
 So, there you go folks, those are some of the details. At this point, we cannot post her picture, so if you see us out and about, please find us, and we will be happy to show her to you. Michael is still working on her middle name, so please be praying for him. Also, we have about 4-5k left to raise in order to be fully funded. You will see T-shirts being posted, Chinese charms, etc in an effort to assist with the rest of the fees. God has done great things, we trust that He will finish HIS work. We also have a ton of logistics to figure out, some that need great wisdom. We are also waiting for our seeking confirmation letter. We cannot move forward with any paperwork until that comes from China. 
 We are excited!

1 comment:

jessie said...

Oh how wonderful!!! Hosanna. Simply precious. I'm so happy for you, Jennifer!!!!!!! :)

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