
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Selling our hearts out

Part of the waiting process, at least from what I am seeing is so we can see God do incredible things. This past weekend we had our second yard sale to go towards our adoption. Our garage was full of items as Michael put it “People let us adopt their stuff so we could adopt our kid”. Friends and family came to help us sell. And sell we did. About $1000 worth of stuff we sold. People’s cars were lined down the street, stories were told, neighbors were met, but most important, Her story was told that God is writing for our house.

We were also humbled and left speechless by a friend this week. I have known her since I moved to GA. She dropped off some stuff for our yard sale and dropped off an envelope which left us speechless. So with all of this as well as the savings that we have done, we are about $500 away from our last goal. Amazing.

Amazing to think that we started out with a mountain that is about $28,000 to climb. Amazing to think that we are within a single digit reach of that. Once we reach our next goal, we round it out with our travel expenses.

People have told me that adoption is too expensive and we must be rich. For two years we have not been shopping for things that were not needed. New clothes have not been bought, dinners out have not been eaten, wild vacations have not been taken. We drive old paid off cars, do not own the latest gadgets, we do not have cable or Netflix all in an effort to honor what we have been told to do.  We have scrimped, saved, yard saled it, selling t-shirts as we speak and prayed. We are rich, not monetarily but in spirit and faith. Nobody will ever be able to convince of anything other than who my provider is.

Thank you to each one of you who has donated their stuff, time, effort, prayers, energy, given of themselves. It is all working to get her home. Please be praying as we enter the final leg of the fund raising part. Along with be praying for our referral. The wait is hard, emotional, draining and yet peaceful.


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