
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Cross+ Empty =Redeemed

It is amazing to think that it is Easter. The first few months of this year have flown by in this house. With all the preparations of going to China to get our girl, and then the transition back home, it has been a whirlwind that has flown by. But Easter is now here. Easter is actually my favorite holiday. I love Christmas, love the joy that it brings, I love to give people gifts, but I LOVE Easter. And am also humbled, mainly because there is nothing that I can do or give that replaces the gift that was given to me.

I have really been reflecting (although have not written much down until now) about Easter. Right before we left for China, this household came under such an attack of our spirits. It was an intense battle for both Michael and I. We knew where it was coming from, we knew why, but it did not make it easy. In fact it totally stunk. The joy of what was about to happen was being robbed right out of our hands. I remember a particular exchange where My past, my life before I accepted what happened on the Cross for me was called back and thrown into my face. Who I was before I accepted what was done for me was tossed back at me like there was not even a chance that I was able to be redeemed. But there is a story being written about my life in the Lambs book, and because of that I was able to share exactly what the Cross did for me. Exactly the way it redeemed me, exactly why I am not who I was even last year let alone 10 years ago.

This is the same Cross that brought my daughter to where she is. The same Jesus that hung on that Cross, set in motion, wrote on our hearts for Hosanna to come home.  The same Jesus that watched over her when she was left. The same Jesus that provided everything financially that we needed, and materialistically that we needed. The same Jesus that brought us to and from China, with no hiccups in between. The same Jesus that hand picked her to be in our family. The same Jesus that decided she was to be a Bowden and to trust us for her care. The same Jesus that met us in the darkest hours of adoption, with comfort and love and the same Jesus that is already beginning to put together a sibling.
This is the same Jesus that we sing to Hosanna about. The same Jesus that we tell her about, that we pray to with her, that one day we pray she will trust.

This is the Jesus that on a Friday, hung on the Cross, and then three short days later rose again. The same Jesus that proved redemption to be possible and people to be worthy or redeeming.

Praying that you feel the love,


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