
Monday, September 22, 2014

Some big milestones

This month has held some big milestones for us. Our girl turned 3 on the 8th. It was more than likely the first birthday that she has ever had we made sure it was special. The night before Michael and I decorated the house for her and had her gifts waiting. We even decorated the hallway from her room to the living room. Then when she got up the next morning, she was so excited. She let out this little shirk of joy and the smile on her face was beyond words. While she has no clue what a birthday is, she knew this day was about her.

Then over the weekend we had her birthday/welcome home celebration. We had over 60 people at our house to celebrate with us the fact that she was home and it was her

birthday. There were so many more that we wanted to invite, but the guest list was so large to begin withJ As we went through this guest list, we marveled at the fact of just how many people walked this road with us in our immediate view, that does not mention the countless that were out of state and even out of the country. We had a blast! And I think the best part was watching people who struggled with the fact that we asked for no gifts. Several reasons for this, but the biggest was she would have been so incredibly overwhelmed. But also, we do not want to raise our kid in a way where she becomes so worldly with stuff, so we asked for no gifts. A few people snuck them in, and we opened them up over the course on Sunday and Monday.

And then Monday, the 16th, we celebrated being a family of three for 6 months. I marvel at the fact that it has only been a few short months. Hosanna is growing like crazy, adding another inch to the already 2 she grew since we have been back, and is topping out at a 10lb weight gain. She has a 40 word or so English vocabulary and is adding words each and every day. She is eating pretty much everything that we put in front of her with the exception of green things. She is sleeping through the night for the most part. She is full of a song constantly, singing and making us giggle. We have also gotten to the point where I can come and go (with some explanation) and it is not a major meltdown. We have also gotten to where she is going into kids church along with a few other kid activities during the week without any major set backs, in fact she is thriving in each and every situation. So over all she is doing great.

The Day we met
There of course, are some things that we are still working through. There is some regressing that we are experiencing, which is very normal for kids who have been adopted. There is also the constant reminder that I have to give myself, which age wise she is 3, but she is not at the normal 3 year old level on some things. It is just something that we have to keep in the back of our minds and occasionally have to justify to people for her. Someone told me shortly before we traveled to China, that I should consider this survival mode, do not try to institute so much at once. And added that the first 6 months will more than likely be survival mode. They were so right, I am just starting to feel like I am getting solid feet on the ground and finding some kind of semblance to my life.  It was by far the best advice that I had gotten and have held on to it.

We have also had a role change in the house, I became a stay at home mom full time. On August 25th I left my role at LDI to just be “mom”. And while, I cannot say that I have found my grove with it, or that it feels normal, or I am even fully enjoying it, It is what she needs. After 17 years in the full time work world, this transition has been hard for me. It is not because I do not like my daughter or anything odd like that, it is just a hard transition. But I am thankful. Thankful that we worked out tails off to be in this spot. Thankful that I have a husband who is willing to work his tail off so that we can live this way. I have no clue how long this season will last, but I know it is right where I need to be for right now.

So there you have 6 months. We have learned a tremendous amount in these short 6 months. Excited for what the road has ahead.


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